Recent Events + New Preview Image Feature + 2020 Updates

The last few weeks have been a difficult and uncertain time for everyone. We hope that you, your family and your friends are keeping safe by staying at home as much as possible.

We think it's important to remain positive and productive, so together with our recent network updates, we've used our extra time to develop a new money saving feature.

New! Preview Images

Like many other ad networks, WordLinx displays websites in frames. However, sites like Amazon, Facebook and YouTube don't allow framed viewing. This means the only way to promote them is with expensive services like Google Ads.

Our new Preview Image feature solves this problem, enabling you to advertise your Amazon affiliate links, Facebook pages, YouTube videos, Twitter feeds and more with low cost framed advertising!

Just log in and click 'Advertise' to create a new campaign and (if required) the web address will be converted into a scalable Preview Image, suitable for viewing on any device! Try it today!

2020 Updates

As part of our massive 2020 overhaul, we've simplified WordLinx's referral payment structure. We now pay 20% for tier 1 referral earnings and 10% for tier 2 referral earnings, regardless of membership level.

That's more than double earnings for most members! It starts with our newly streamlined PTP system and will include all referral purchases (advertising, funding and upgrades) by May 2020.

Thanks for reading. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us via our support form.

06 Apr/1,042 Views