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Our new link sharing system has become incredibly popular. Since this time last month, views have now doubled to over 2 million a week! That's over 100 million a year!

If you're not sharing links with us already, there's never been a better time to begin. We've now added a new link type that will work with any website - even frame-breakers! Just create a link, select the top option and Save.

We've also added a brand new kind of advertising. Drive geo-targeted visitors to your website from all over the web for just $0.002 each! Create a link then click 'Create Campaign' to get started!

Unlockable adverts!

We've just finished rolling out our new unlockable PTC ads to all members. These replace our unpopular pre-view ads with a system that rewards you for earning more.

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New task provider!

Along with OfferToro and ResearchForGood (US, CA, UK, DE, AU only) we've now integrated a new offer wall. Earn $0.25, $0.50, $1.00 and beyond from surveys, mobile apps and more! offers count towards your unlockable ads total and Smart Rate, making it even easier to earn. You'll also generate points and bonuses for completing more offers.

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Free upgrade trials!

We've now added Pro and Super upgrades to our points store. Try them out for a full week and generate up to 50% per referral activity completely free!

You can earn points by reading newsletter emails (like this), by completing tasks, by re-viewing PTC adverts, by sharing PTC adverts or by surfing websites on our Traffic Exchange.

Thanks for reading. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us.

09 Sep/631 Views