Massive 13th birthday sale and more!
They say 13 is unlucky for some and while many PTC sites don't make it past 13 weeks, WordLinx is now a teenager - 13 years old today!In 13 years we've gone through the world financial crisis, the bux bubble and the revenue share bubble, and we're still going!
To celebrate this incredible milestone we're having a huge sale with nearly $70 off selected products!
Upgrade discounts...
Super membership - was $199, now just $130!
Pro membership - was $99, now $13 off!
Verified membership - was $19, now just $13!
Save $100s! Buy as many times as you like and your membership will be automatically extended. Offer expires October 13th!
Mailing list exclusives...
Get up to 50% extra when buying Micro, Mini or Standard Ad credits!
Just use code GIFT50 (frequent advertisers) or HAPPY20 when ordering!
Big savings on Fixed Ads and Email Ads...
Save up to $50! Log in and click 'Advertise'.
A new way to build your downline...
WordLinx has always been a little different. Never afraid to try things that bigger sites wouldn't even consider, but in many cases have now copied.
Starting this month, for an amazing one-off price of $50 you'll be able to add 50 referrals to your downline, forever. Unlimited commissions on 5 levels for an unlimited time.
Best of all, buying referrals will qualify you for up to $10 per referral sale on all 5 levels! Look out for a new heading in the 'Referrals' section soon.
Nexxus Global Rewards
Just Amazing!
Reach 100,000+ readers! Log in and click 'Advertise'.
Other new features...
This month we'll be finishing work on some much-needed features. These include a brand new support system, so members can contact us more easily.
Going forward we'll also be overhauling the entire Links section and adding a full tutorial to explain the benefits of shortening and sharing with us.
5 fun facts you may not know about WordLinx...
1. While our official birthday is's registration date, we began trading in 2004.
2. WordLinx started life as a text link exchange and has been custom coded since day one.
3. We've never liked the name WordLinx. It was a working title that just stuck.
4. WordLinx is 100% debt-free with no outstanding payments to members within our T&Cs.
5. Some of our advertisers have promoted regularly with us for over a decade - thank you!
Thanks for reading. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us.
06 Oct/626 Views